So where exactly IS the "Real Cougartown"...???

Where IS the "Real Cougartown"?? To answer that question, you have to watch the Title Sequence of ABC's "Cougartown", the part where they do a flyover of the map of Florida's West Coast (see video clip on gadget bar to the right). I wouldn't recommend watching much more of the show past that however... more than a little crude. However, in the Title Sequence the Words COUGARTOWN are bordered on the south by a large inlet of water - Charlotte Harbor- and to the north by a performing elephant - presumably Venice Florida, the home of the Ringling Brothers Circus. That would put the words COUGARTOWN right on top of..... North Port Florida. And oddly enough, the cougar is the mascot of the High School! Of course, controversy has erupted over this issue, and Sarasota has tried to claim the title of the "Real" Cougartown. I mean... have you ever BEEN to Sarasota???

After all we even have cougars here in North Port... real ones! And bobcats, and wild boar... although I've never seen any sign of them on the TV show. In fact, the idyllic suburb depicted in ABC's COUGARTOWN is nothing at all like the reality we live here day to day. And so, it is our pleasure to bring you a glimpse of what life is like in the REAL Cougartown...North Port Florida!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh My....

After my knee surgery it's been about three weeks since I could mow the lawn... I once heard that if all the people left Florida suddenly, within 50 years most traces of them would be under a layer of overgrowth.

Not sure it would take that long...

Friday, September 10, 2010


It must be a full moon.... James and Charley join in the fun!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

At Troy Springs...

At Troy Springs

In front of the spring...we had just been swimming out there,..

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With Nana at the Suwanee...

Troy Springs

Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Dog!

Our new dog...Zeke, Jake, Elvis, Roi... Haven't named him yet

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Another thing seen frequently... And still some people are gonna go swimming anyway!

At the Library

The little guy is surrounded by Ibis.
They're pretty much the same as pigeons, just more exotic looking. Some things in Florida take some getting used to....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Monarchs Return

We normally have a LOT of Monarch butterflies around the garden. They all but disappeared after the severe cold in January...looks like they're coming back!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Morning Walk

Sunrise over the pond. The pond is in the middle of our neighborhood and is home to a variety of water birds and a few large alligators. This picture is taken from the side of the pond opposite our house. You can see the squared outline of the elementary school on the right...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fishing at Manasota

The Heron wanted our bait, I think... the little guy in the chair, having grown up in Florida is generally oblivious to the giant birds, exotic animals and other unique aspects of the area, and prefers to just eat his apple in peace!

....doing something like this....

Would so much rather be home!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

After the Storm

One of the nice things about the afternoon rains.... rainbows are a nearly everyday sight this time of the year as afternoon rains come as the sun is low on the horizon to the west. This particular picture was as I was leaving work in Sarasota...

Haircut Saturday with Daddy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fire-Breathing David

Bonfire Night

Our end of the year traditional burning of school papers and disposable workbooks. Very entertaining in a sort of Bradburian way...

Already really hot...

...and the sun is barely above the fence...but I've made it into the pool before the kids are awake...


Blue Sky Vine escapes from trellis and begins devouring our house...and I had to take a short break to completely cover my lower half with "OFF" to avoid being devoured by red ants.

Mowing the Back Yard

...BEFORE it gets up to 96• again today! 8:30 and it's already time to get in the pool!